Program in Molecular Medicine: home department of the Luban Lab at the University of Massachusetts Medical School
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology: Department at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in which the Luban Lab has a joint appointment
RNA Therapeutics Institute: Department level structure at the University of Massachusetts Medical School with which the Luban Lab is affiliated.
UMass Med GSBS Seminars: calendar of upcoming seminars posted by the University of Massachusetts Medical School Graduate School of Biological Sciences
bioRxiv: (pronounced “bio-archive”) is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. By posting preprints on bioRxiv authors are able to make their findings IMMEDIATELY available to the scientific community and receive feedback on draft manuscripts before they are submitted to journals.
ASAPbio: a focal point for discussion about preprints and other solutions to current short-comings of publishing manuscripts in the biological sciences
Addgene: a non-profit plasmid repository and distribution service. Also has lots of useful information about plasmids and specific applications such as CRISPR.
NIH AIDS Reagent Program: NIAID sponsored program that provides reagents related to HIV/AIDS research, including plasmids, cell lines, viral strains, anti-HIV antibodies.
Los Alamos HIV Sequence Database: Perhaps the most complete compilation of HIV sequences, along with some useful analysis tools. Seems a more constructive use of the facility than for testing nuclear weapons.
PubMed: citations from the biomedical literature
UC Santa Cruz Genome Browser: “best” overall source of annotated genome information

Space Dog Hubble
Darwin’s Dogs: If you are a dog, and you want to understand why your human behaves so strangely, please help Elinor Karlsson find a genetic basis for their behavior. All you have to do is lick a stick (for a DNA sample) and have your human describe your behavior. From this analysis they hope to understand THEIR behavior. Check it out.
🚀– I’m Space Dog Hubble and I approve of this message.
TWiV: This Week in Virology. A podcast about viruses, with Vincent Racaniello and friends, since September 2008.
Center for Infectious Disease Research: Seattle, Washington: They study the systems biology of infectious diseases. Great stylized posters about HIV, TB, Malaria, and Sleeping Sickness are available to support their research.
Contagious Thinking: A blog and podcast from the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research.
Somersault1824: a cool, open-source, free, source of scientific illustrations
Epidemic: Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution of Viral Pathogens. Website for collaborative analysis and discussion about the emergence, evolution and epidemiology of novel human viral pathogens. The site is divided into sections for different viruses. The aim is to present new analyses as data becomes available. Courtesy of collaborator Andrew Rambaut
UMass Metabolic Network. Provides a conduit for interaction, seminars, discussion, and sharing of expertise in the various facets of metabolism and metabolic regulation. Includes investigators from UMMS and Pfizer. Real-time tracking of Ebola virus evolution (also for Zika virus). This is an amazing tool to visualize virus evolution over the course of the respective epidemics. Built by Richard Neher (Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tuebingen, Germany) and Trevor Bedford ((The Fred Hutch in Seattle). Give them a shoutout at @richardneher or @trvrb.
NIH RePORTER: NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools. Search database of funded NIH grants.